Many high school aged students begin thinking about their futures because colleges need to know what their major will be. It is easy to become so academic that you lose sight of working with your hands and acquiring a position within a trade. Many people think they must attend a two, four- or six-year college program in order to achieve a degree and make their way in life.

In all actuality this is actually just not true. Many individuals begin as an apprentice for a trade and then work their way up in training and in the union. Within their career they will often top out with less debt and more income then those individuals that did attend a big university.
Why is it that the trades are often forgotten? High schools gear children towards academics. They do not offer all of the extra courses that were one enjoyed. It is not uncommon to learn that classes such as home economics, mechanics and shop are not even offered anymore. If children want to learn how to change the oil in their car, build a book shelf or cook a meal they have to learn from their parents or through a separate extra-curricular program. Ironically, these courses are often taught for junior high and high school aged youths at local community colleges as weekend life preparation courses.
There are plenty of adults that have to hire in the professionals when things break around their home. There are many reasons why they cannot fix the issue themselves.
- General lack of knowledge on how to fix the problem
- Lack of time due to busy work or home life
- It’s easier to pay someone else to do it
While some people look down on working with their hands and making a living through hard work that can sometimes be physically demanding, other people thrive with this type of career. If you are one of these people that enjoy the inner workings of mechanisms and electrical systems or someone who likes creating things and building from the ground up, then a career in the trades is probably going to suite you best. There are trade specific schools in major cities all across the United States. In fact, you can easily acquire any electrician certification chicago il.A type of certificate like this is a prime example of a large city with many schools offering these types of programs.
If you are not sure where to look you have options. You should never let lack of choices keep you from pursuing a career. You can ask a friend or family member that is already an electrician, builder, HVAC professional or pipe fitter. They should be able to direct you to the school they attended. You can also use a search engine to find these programs near you or call a local company with great customer reviews. Ask to speak to the manager or owner and explain to them you are interested in going to school for their specialty and wondered if they had a program or location that they recommended.