Assist! My Child Was Screened For Special Education and Located Not Eligible? Now, What Do I Do!
Has your child been screened by special education personnel and told that they are not eligible for services? Did their physician state that your kid has autism, but the school stated that they did a screening and located that your youngster did not have autism, as a result, was not eligible? This short article will discuss screening and how it’s connected to eligibility for special education services.
College districts within the US have to perform something that is known as Kid Obtain. What this suggests is the fact that school districts are needed to locate, identify and evaluate those that might have a disability. This requirement is integrated within the People with Disabilities Education Act (Notion) under 300.111 (a) (i). Lots of college districts use screening tools as a basis to fulfill their Kid Obtain obligations.
But screening isn’t the same as testing for special education eligibility. Once the college …
Assist! My Child Was Screened For Special Education and Located Not Eligible? Now, What Do I Do! Read More