The Ideal Learning Environment For Every Student
If you’ve ever been to a high school history class, or even just watched one on TV, then you’re probably familiar with the traditional classroom. Although it’s still used in many schools and colleges today, it’s not always the most effective way for students to learn. In fact, there are four different types of learning environments that might be better suited for your needs: traditional classrooms, virtual classrooms, peer-to-peer learning environments and self-paced online courses.
The Traditional Classroom
The traditional classroom is the most common place to learn, and it’s easy to see why: In this setting, students are grouped by age or grade level and expected to be on task for a set period of time. The teacher is the expert who provides instruction and answers questions; students are passive learners who are expected to listen attentively in order to absorb information from their instructor.
The traditional classroom model …
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